About Me

With David Levithan
Ten years ago, I had a healthy liking for YA books. Then I took on the job of being a Children's Book Specialist in a book store. My healthy liking turned into an obsession and The Tales Compendium was born.

In August 2010, I resigned from my position at the store after six years, and took off travelling around America and Europe before returning and once again working in a book store. These days, while I no longer work in book stores, I while away the hours planning my own. When I'm not busy attempting to plough through my TBR pile and looking for something unique and undiscovered, I am studying for my professional writing and publishing degree.
With Libba Bray

I mostly read contemporary YA fiction and am always on the lookout for something different. I'm happy to spread the word on new and exciting things in the YA world as well as host author interviews and give-aways.

If you would like to contact me, please e-mail me at:

Regretfully, I am currently not accepting review requests except through a publisher (my apologies).

With Melina Marchetta
To my followers, I love getting comments and feedback so please don't hesitate to leave me a message or shoot me an email.

Jess xx

P.S. Don't forget you can follow me on FacebookTwitter and Instagram!

P.P.S. My personal website can be found here.


  1. Hi there,

    You met Marissa tonight at Rachel Caines signing. She said it was awesome!!!

    I'm going to signing tomorrow QLD Northlakes Westfield Shopping 4pm.

    Very Excited!!


  2. Hi Michelle,

    It looks like you and your son had a great time at the signing. I hope you have a blast at the Cassandra Clare signing at the end of the month! Wish I didn't live so far away :(

  3. Hi Jess,

    Just stopping by with MUCH gratitude over the great review you gave Vampires Drool! Zombies Rule! Not sure if this was the place to do it, but I wanted to just say "thanks." LOVE your blog; keep up the great work...


  4. So Jess, when you post a comment here, does it not have the option to "Subscribe by email"? Because it does for me, just like with a normal entry. (I will delete this later.)

  5. PS, On second thought, it says "An error occurred while contacting the server" when I click on subscribe by email. It didn't say that when I click on subscribe by email in your most recent entry, though. Weird.

  6. Yeh it says "subscribe by email" for me to but it keeps coming up on with error message. I wasn't sure if it was just me or everybody. It does it on all the 'pages' but not the posts :(

    plus i'm annoyed because after blogger had it's meltdown yesterday, the last two comments on here by rusty and myself have disappeared. grrrrr

  7. loving this, and i was just browsing through now following you http:

  8. hello
    educational french publisher, we are currently working on a collection of english textbooks. In a chapter we would like to reprint a cover of a book you talked about on your blog. could you please help us and tell us who is the publisher of the book?
    thank ou very much for your help.

  9. Hello, my name is Allie and I love your blog. I'm a huge reader myself and I like seeing what other people recommend to read. Also, it would mean a lot to me if you checked out my blog. I have one that is about poetry,advice, and just daily things. My other one I recently started is about book and movie reviews.

  10. Same here, I got the same error "An error occurred while contacting the server" when I clicked "Subscribe by email"

    I think this is a Blogger Pages bugs though, the "Subscribe by email" feature works just fine on Post but not on Pages

  11. Hi Jess.

    Lovely to meet you at the Reading Matters conference in Melbourne.

    Good luck with the big dream.

