Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Tales Compendium is now on Instagram!

Hello lovely readers!

I just wanted to take moment to let you all know that The Tales Compendium now has an Instagram account!

I'd been thinking about making one for a while and finally decided to just go ahead and do it. I'm having so much fun creating posts and revisiting some of my favourite books. It also means I'm able to share things daily as opposed to the one review or less per week I've been managing on the blog of late. Don't worry, the blog is here to stay! The Instagram is just another way to share the love on a more regular basis.

So if you're interested, you can find me at 

And if you have your own bookstagram, please leave it in the comments below and I'll check it out!


  1. New Instagram follower *waves* Mine is kind of a blend of things personal and bookish, @escapeina_book is where you find me.

  2. I was so inspired by all the book-related Instagram accounts I follow (they feed my unhealthy desire to own ALL THE BOOKS) that I just created my own bookstagram last night: @bookplatesforbrunch :)
