Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Happy Days

So today I am super excited for two reasons...

Firstly, I've just submitted my final assignment, signalling the end of my degree!

*happy dance*

It's been 3.5 years and I am so glad it's finally over. Not only do I get to walk away with major in Professional Writing and Publishing, I can now devote my free time to catching up on all the amazing books I have missed. And I have missed a lot. Can you believe I've only done one post in 3 months?! Oh the horror! But I am dedicated to getting my little corner of the web back to normal which brings me to my second piece of exciting news...

I am currently at the airport about to fly to Melbourne for the biennial Reading Matters Conference hosted by the Centre for Youth Literature. 

Huzzah! Excitement to the MAX. 

For those of you who have been with me and the blog for a while, you may remember I attended 2 years ago and had an absolute blast! Here's the link if you want to remind yourself of all the awesome...

I'm going to *try* and keep you updated via Twitter and Facebook but I wasn't very good at it last time. So if I fail, or even just to get extra massive doses of awesome, follow along with the hashtag #YAMatters because lots of wonderful people will be contributing.

Reading Matters guest speakers include:

Sara Farizan
Sally Gardner
Kyle Hughes-Odgers
Amie Kaufman
Priya Kuriyan
Jaclyn Moriarty
Abe Nouk
Tom Taylor
Jared Thomas
Sean Williams
Clare Wright

It's good to be back, guys.
Talk soon xx


  1. OMG Jaclyn Moriartyyyyy
    I wanna come

  2. Congratulations on the end of your degree, Jess! There's no better feeling! :)
    Michelle @ The Unfinished Bookshelf

  3. Looks like you guys sure are enjoying your time and here I am trying to complete my pending writing services work haha. Thanks for sharing the experience you had with us. net worth
