Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Mycroft, the Merrick Brothers, Nona and Me

So I started writing this as a status update over on the Facebook page but it got a bit too long so now it becomes a blog post!

Sorry I've been a bit absent the last couple of weeks. What have I been up to? I'm not really sure. I have no idea where the days have gone. I'm back at uni part-time for my final semester and I'm also doing some freelance website design work on top of my part-time job. But none of that usually keeps me this quiet on the reading/blogging front. Other than that stuff, time has just disappeared :/

Maybe it's just that I haven't really felt like writing reviews. Sometimes I just have to be in the right head space. You know? But I have read a few things...

I read Ellie Marney's final book in her 'Every' series, Every Move, which of course I loved. It was bittersweet really, getting to the final book but also the sadness that I won't get any more Rachel and Mycroft. Gosh I love them. Thanks Ellie! I do have things I want to say so I'll try write a review soon. 

I also read the first two books in Brigid Kemmerer's 'Elementals' series. Again, I Ioved these, not wanting to finish. After Storm, I was so disappointed I wouldn't get to read any more stories about Chris. But then I started reading Gabriel's story and I was good with getting to know another Merrick brother. I am however a bit slow at getting hold of book three as it focuses on Hunter who I am really not a fan of. Give me a Merrick brother and I'll be happy! I want to read book four but I just can't bring myself to skip a book. So I'm in limbo at the moment. Can anyone promise me that I will grow to like Hunter?

Last night I started reading Nona & Me by Clare Atkins. I went to bed with only 20 pages until the end. I got the book a few months ago but then just wasn't in the reading mood to pick it up. I've been feeling guilty but I knew that if I tried and wasn't in the mood, then it would end up back on the shelf, forgotten. Does this happen to anyone else? Anyway, last night it just jumped off my shelf and screamed "READ ME!". I couldn't put it down. It's a captivating and important story and I hope I can find the right words when it comes to reviewing it. I'm saving the last 20 pages as a reward for when I finish my assignment (hopefully tomorrow night!). It's a good motivator.

I hope every one is doing well and reading lots of lovely things. I'm a bit behind on reading everyone's posts but I hope to catch up soon.
Love xx


  1. All the best with your studies Jess! It's good that you're keeping busy. And at least you haven't stopped reading! :D

  2. well, it's totally OK. Not need to excuse on your absense. I can understand.:) All in all, you appeared with another good post with some interesting books. have a nice weekend.
