Monday, January 19, 2015

Getting To Know... Rebecca from Reading Wishes

This month marks my five-year blogoversary and there are a number of Aussie bloggers who have been with me from the beginning and others who I have met along the way. While many are no longer blogging, there are still some who are and who continue to keep me enthusiastic about what we do and why we do it. To celebrate five years in the YA blogging community, I thought I would do some little get-to-know-us posts in the lead up to my blog birthday on 23rd January 2015.

I hope you enjoy getting to know some of my favourite Aussie YA bloggers and me :)

Rebecca from Reading Wishes

How long have you been blogging?
I started blogging in 2011, so about 3.5 years. I'll be celebrating my 4th year later in 2015.

What is your favourite thing about having a book blog?
The people I’ve “met” (online and IRL) is definitely my favourite thing. Smart, bookish, creative, kind, funny people, I never would have met otherwise.

What are some of your favourite YA reads?
It’s funny. I was thinking the other day how three of my absolute favourites are not books you could read all in one go. Unless you wanted a heart so ripped to shreds and your eyes glued shut from all the tears. What can I say, I like my books thoughtful, hard-hitting and moving. If you’re reading this, I hope I haven’t scared you away because they are all must-read, terrific books: Jellicoe Road by Melina Marhcetta, Friday Brown (Friday Never Leaving in the US) and my most recent addition to this list, The Last Leaves Falling by Sarah Benwell. I can’t recommend them enough.

Which author/s are on your auto-buy list?
Trish Doller, Stephanie Perkins, Morgan Matson, Emery Lord, Kody Keplinger, Melina Marchetta, Vikki Wakefield, Jenny Han, Hannah Harrington (please release another book soon!)

What is your favourite book to re-read?
I’m not a big re-reader. Two reasons, I’d usually rather spend my time discovering a new book; my memory is (or was) pretty good so I tend to retain a lot of it; but mostly, I think I worry it won’t live up to the first time. I think the most I’ve ever re-read a book is two. But Jellicoe Road has been on my mind, so... I last read it in 2012. Funnily enough, I re-read it straight after reading it. That’s the sign of a good book (and hangover).

Where is your favourite place to read?
Probably my comfy recliner.

Which book do you swear you will finally read in 2015?
I love this question, and I hate this question because I plan to finally get round to a lot of books. But also, there are so many! I’ve made it my mission to read Every Breath by Ellie Marney, stat. I couldn’t find a copy anywhere, so a friend is sending me a copy to rectify the problem. Can’t wait.

What is your preferred genre?
I know it’s for interview purposes, but really, Jess? Was this even necessary to ask? Contemporary all the way! (hehe I know it's obvious - Jess)

What has been your favourite blogging or book event/experience?
When Bill Condon emailed to thank me for always saying good things about A Straight Line To My Heart. It was so lovely to receive an email like that, out of the blue, thanking me for my support. (Amazing book btw. Check it out!)

What is your favourite book to film adaptation?
The Fault In Our Stars was incredible when I saw it last year and by far the best adaption I’ve ever seen. Great acting and the ability to have you laughing one minute and crying the next. 

Which book would you like to see become a film?
So many! But then it also makes me think, don’t steal all the brilliant books away and make a terrible adaption. It’s sad when that happens, but when it’s good, it’s good. I think Anna and the French Kiss would make a lovely, sweet movie.

Favourite new Aussie blog you have discovered in the last year or two?
I’m picking two because apparently, there are a HEAP of us (70-ish) and don’t make me choose, OK? Jess @ My Reading Dress - she is professor smart, has superb photography skills, and apart from fantasy being her favourite, and contemporary being well…not, she is lovely! Kelly @ Diva Booknerd - she made me list her here against my own will because I’m waiting on her new born son (long story), but I have to admit, Kelly writes brilliant reviews and if you saw what she got for Christmas, you’d understand why I wan’t to steal her bookshelves.

And now for some non-book related fun...

What are some of your favourite TV shows (current or ended)?
I love so many hence, why I call myself a TV show fanatic in my Twitter bio. Some of my faves include Buffy, Friends, Friday Night Lights and Offspring. The Mindy Project is a new favourite of mine. You should see my to-watch list… There’s about 30 shows on there. That doesn’t include my movie list.

How about all-time favourite movies?
Dirty Dancing, The Breakfast Club, Forrest Gump.

If you could visit anywhere in the world, either for the first time or a return visit, where would you go?
London. I’ve been reading The Bookshop Book and there’s some bookshops I didn’t get to. Plus, relatives and cupcake shops.

And the all-important question, what is your favourite ice-cream flavour?
I know it probably sounds really boring, but I love Baskin Robins Chocolate ice-cream (except it’s that rich and chocolate, I consider it dark chocolate). Also, a good cookie dough is delicious. But to be honest, if it’s good quality ice-cream, I’m pretty much up for any kind.

Where can you be found?
Twitter: @readingwishes 
Facebook: Reading Wishes 
Goodreads: Rebecca


  1. Happy blogoversary month, Jess! Five years is a long time, you should be proud. I can't believe this year will be my 4th, woo! So glad to have met you. I always enjoy our catchups :) Look forward to these upcoming posts.

    1. Thanks Becca! And thank you for being part of my blogoversary. We are certainly due for another churros catchup soon xx

  2. Happy five year blogoversary, Jess (so weird for me right now LOL)!! I know you're probably going to say "whatttt, totally don't know you" but yeah, HI!!! Becca led me all the way here and I kind of want to stay! <3

    AND BECCA I KNOW I'VE SAID EVERYTHING I HAD TO ABOUT YOUR ANSWERS BUT UM... HUGS? AGAIN? And YESSS EVERY BREATH! You need that soon! Because we need to be sobbing together, come book three ok <3

    1. Hi Jess (!) hehe thanks for stopping by. And I totally agree, Becca needs to read Every Breath ASAP!

  3. I'm really excited for The Last Leaves Falling after your rec, Rebecca! And I completely second that I can't wait for another hannah Harrington <3 Hope you get to go to London one day, and sooner rather than later x

    1. Haha Becca is obsessed with The Last Leaves Falling! I think she should just become the official marketer for the book ;)
