Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Getting To Know... Claire from YA Madness

This month marks my five-year blogoversary and there are a number of Aussie bloggers who have been with me from the beginning and others who I have met along the way. While many are no longer blogging, there are still some who are and who continue to keep me enthusiastic about what we do and why we do it. To celebrate five years in the YA blogging community, I thought I would do some little get-to-know-us posts in the lead up to my blog birthday on 23rd January 2015.

I hope you enjoy getting to know some of my favourite Aussie YA bloggers and me :)

Claire from YA Madness

How long have you been blogging?
Three years this month :)

What is your favourite thing about having a book blog?
Getting to share my love for books with other people! Being able to rave about a fantastic book in a place I won't be judged for it.

What are some of your favourite YA reads?
Oooh, a hard one. On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta, The Something Strange and Deadly series by Susan Dennard, The Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas, Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder and The Infernal Devices series to name a couple :)

Which author/s are on your auto-buy list?
Melina Marchetta, Maria V. Snyder, Richelle Mead, John Green. There used to be a few more but some of their new stuff doesn't interest me!

What is your favourite book to re-read?
On the Jellicoe Road for sure. Read this one more time than any other book! Absolute favourite without a doubt.

Where is your favourite place to read?
Wherever is comfy really. Bed, couch, outside in the sunshine! Usually in a strange position though.

Which book do you swear you will finally read in 2015?
I'm going to cheat a bit and say books, because I've only read the first two Harry Potter books and I did not like them at all, so it's my goal to read at least one more, hopefully two.

What is your preferred genre?
Young adult, mainly dystopians. I do love a bit of everything, but mainly anything YA I'll give a go.

What has been your favourite blogging or book event/experience?
I've done several events over the years, a few with my friend HannahReadsBooks. But going to Sydney for the Harlequin Blogger Summit was incredible fun.

What is your favourite book to film adaptation?
The Host. Really really enjoyed that. The Book Thief wasn't bad either. I recently watched The Maze Runner and I freaking loved it, but haven't read the book so I'm hoping that will be the next one.

Which book would you like to see become a film?
Of course, my favourite book On The Jellicoe Road. But if I had to choose another... Definitely the Clockwork Angel series by Cassandra Clare (as long as it was a million times better than the TMI movie).

Favourite new Aussie blog you have discovered in the last year or two?
Eeeep. I feel like this is a bit of a cheeky question, because I love all my fellow Australian bloggers! But Athena from Bookworm Athena has recently started blogging so show her a bit of love and support.

And now for some non-book related fun...

What are some of your favourite TV shows (current or ended)?
This is going to sound quite geeky, but Doctor Who, Sherlock, Supernatural, Arrow and The Flash. Of course, I won't turn down a bit of old school Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars or The OC!

How about all-time favourite movies?
Donnie Darko and Pitch Perfect! A weird one and a normal one!

If you could visit anywhere in the world, either for the first time or a return visit, where would you go?
Europe. New Zealand. South America. America. Absolutely everywhere. I have the wanderlust real bad.

If you were an animal, what would you want to be? 
A sloth, so I could justify being a lazy bum.

And the all-important question, what is your favourite ice-cream flavour? 
Cookie dough! Nom nom nom.

Where can you be found?
Twitter: @Claireplusone
Instagram - @Claireplusone


  1. I love rereading On The Jellicoe Road too :) Such an amazing book, you can always get something new out of it. Love Donnie Darko as well ~ so weird but awesome, haha

    1. I think we should definitely become friends :P

  2. Did Claire used to have a different blog name? I think I used to follow her until it disappeared.

  3. First of all congratulations on the 5th anniversary of your blog.I really like your idea of this question answer session of your own by someone else.
