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Monday, January 26, 2015

5th Blogoversary and Australia Day Giveaway!

For those of you who have been following updates over the past week, The Tales Compendium has just celebrated its 5th birthday! Pretty cool, huh!?

As mentioned in the Getting To Know posts throughout the week, in which I interviewed the Aussie bloggers behind Reading Wishes, YA Madness, Inkcrush and Alpha Reader, I'm now holding a give-away to celebrate my 5th blogoversary. But because the week was also about celebrating Aussie YA bloggers, I thought why not wait until Australia Day (today!) and do a double giveaway of signed books by Aussie YA authors!

So yes, this is happening! Signed copies of Friday Brown by Vikki Wakefield, Zac & Mia by AJ Betts, The Piper's Son by Melina Marchetta, Vulture's Gate by Kirsty Murray and Guitar Highway Rose by Brigid Lowry are up for grabs. 

Please fill out the form below for your chance to win! Entries close 26th February 2015 and you must be a follower to enter. Extra entries for those who share the giveaway on their blogs or social media.


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