Sunday, January 26, 2014

More Awesome Aussie Books

Today is Australia Day. I'm celebrating by having a BBQ with friends and listening to the Hottest 100 Countdown before watching the fireworks tonight. But if you're not in Australia, or you know, even if you are, why not take this opportunity to familiarise yourself with some great YA novels by some of the amazing authors we have here.

I did a post just like this last year sharing some of my favourite books by Australian authors. But, as expected, the list has grown over the past 12 months. Below are some 'fresh meat' for you to peruse. Click on the image to visit my review.


 Also, I've just finished The Sky So Heavy, debut novel by Claire Zorn. I don't have a review up yet but you should definitely check it out :)


  1. I had a pretty un-Aussie Australia Day, to be honest. I was going to go hang out with some friends but things happened and then I ended up staying at home--after going shopping with my mum. I read. And blogged a bit.

    Anyway, absolutely loved Wildlife and Girl Defective. I still really badly need to write reviews for the both of them. I really want to read Life in Outer Space and Friday Brown someday.

    1. Definitely make sure you pick up Life in Outer Space and Friday Brown. Two of my favourite books last year and of all time :)

  2. I had my eye on Friday Brown for quite some time now. Thank you for this recommendations!!

  3. Thanks for posting these books. have just ordered Friday Brown after reading your review. Though it is titled Friday Never Leaving in Canada. Thanks.

  4. So glad you guys are keen to read Friday Brown! Make sure you let me know what you think!

  5. Great picks, Jess! I've still got to read Every Breath and Zac & Mia. Bumping them up the TBR pile!

    1. Thanks Emily! Every Breath will have sequels which is super exciting :)
