Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Zac & Mia Book Launch!

Last Thursday I went to the book launch of Zac & Mia by A.J. Betts. Zac & Mia is the third novel by Amanda Betts and was selected last year as the winner of the 2012 Text Prize. Held at The Lane Bookshop in Claremont, Western Australia, the event saw the bookshop bursting at the seams with excited friends, family and readers alike as WA author Meg McKinlay officially launched the novel.

Meg launching Zac & Mia
Both Meg and Amanda had the crowd in fits of laughter with tales of the novels difficult beginnings, Amanda's disbelief when it was first short-listed for the Text Prize and then when it won, Amanda's reluctance to write a romance (which she has successfully avoided, as the basis of Zac & Mia is friendship) and with Amanda's conception and pregnancy analogies as to how the novel progressed. Emotions were also running high as Amanda explained her inspiration for the novel and the amazing teenagers she has worked with in the Oncology Ward at Princess Margaret Hospital. 

A 'full house'

Star author A.J. Betts
Congratulations Amanda!

Amanda signing
I absolutely loved Zac & Mia and you can read my review here. It is a very special book and I urge everyone to read it.

You can also enter to win a copy of Zac & Mia via my blog thanks to Text Publishing.

Other links


  1. That would have been amazing! I have been waiting for that book to come out for ages! I didn't know about the book launch. How do you find out? Is everyone allowed to go?

    1. I found out from both the author and the publicist. If you live in Perth, I post about a lot of upcoming YA events on the facebook page for this blog (you can find the link under "Follow Me" on the sidebar). In most cases, the events are open to the general public.

      There is also a facebook page called Perth YA Fans Unite. It is run by a few of us but usually only gets updated when there is news about a local author doing an event. If you would like to follow it, the link is: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Perth-YA-Fans-Unite/235331703179633?ref=tn_tnmn

  2. thank you !
    and thanks for all those books you gave me last year at rosalie, i have enjoyed them a lot.

    1. Ah! Then you must be Sanchita! You are very welcome and I'm glad you enjoyed them.
      If you would like, if you don't have Facebook you are welcome to send me an email at thetalescompendium@hotmail.com I will then have your address and can send you details when different events come up :)
