Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Aussie Author Month Giveaway: Preloved by Shirley Marr

As part of my Aussie Author Month, I have some signed books to give away! 

First up is Preloved by Shirley Marr...

If you had a second chance at love, would you do it all over again?
 Amy has enough to deal with for one lifetime. A superstitious Chinese mother. A best friend whose mood changes as dramatically as her hair colour. A reputation for being strange. The last thing she needs is to be haunted by someone only she can see.
Logan is a ghost from the Eighties. He could be dangerous. He's certainly annoying.
He might also be Amy's dream boy.

What I said:
"Preloved is a story filled with Chinese superstitions, ghost tales, 80’s fashion, an obsession with The Princess Bride and quotes from Labyrinth. It is a story about letting go, reincarnation, letting love in all its forms in, and accepting yourself. A story for the younger YA market although will be adored by those of us who wish we had grown up in the 80’s."

Click here to read my full review.

To enter:
- Fill out the form below
- You must be a follower of this blog
- The giveaway is international
- Entires close 30th April 2013
- Extra entires available for those who share the giveaway on their blog, facebook and/or twitter

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