Friday, March 29, 2013

Aussie Author Month Giveaway: Friday Brown by Vikki Wakefield

 The final give-away I have up for grabs for Aussie Author Month is the amazing Friday Brown by Vikki Wakefield. And, like the others, it is signed!

‘They call me Friday. It has been foretold that on a Saturday I will drown…’

Seventeen-year-old Friday Brown is on the run, trying to escape memories of her mother and the family curse. She befriends Silence, a strange boy with a troubled past. But it is the charismatic Arden who will challenge Friday in more ways than she’d like. In Murungal Creek, a ghost town in the outback, Friday must face her own past. She learns that family, like fate, is more than what you’re born with—and that love is always worth fighting for.
What I said:
Friday Brown is "an exceptional Australian novel".
 To enter:
- Fill out the form below
- You must be a follower of this blog
- The give-away is international
- Entires close 30th April 2013
- Extra entires available for those who share the give-away on their blog, facebook and/or twitter

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