Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Best of 2012

I couldn't find any End-of-Year surveys this year that could quite live up to the one Nomes from inkcrush ran in 2011, so I decided to reuse a bunch of the questions she had and add a few of my own.

I read 33 books this year which is way less than in previous years. My reading challenges were even more of a disaster, completing only two out of the four I participated in. I'm quite disappointed about this but since I started studying again this year, I suppose I did pretty well considering my free time was cut down significantly. Here's hoping I can do better in 2013!

The Best of 2012
The reviews for all the books mentioned below can be found here.

Favourite Books Read  In 2012
I read so many amazing books and I can only cut it down to my top five: The Fault In Our Stars, Skin Deep, Wonder, Pushing The Limits, Saving Francesca.

Most Powerful Book
I was going through a bit of a difficult time when  I was reading Speechless by Hannah Harrington and I just felt like the novel was speaking to me. Wonder by R. J. Palacio was also amazing and I challenge anyone to read this and not be affected by it.

Brilliantly Funny
I constantly had a smile on my face while reading Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan.

Best Ache-Y, Heart-Breaking, Tear-Jerker Read
Without a doubt, Everything Left Unsaid by Jessica Davidson and The Fault In Our Stars by John Green fit this category perfectly. Make sure tissues are within reach when you read these!

Delicious Rainy Day Comfort Read
The Statistical Probability Of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith is a quick, light, romance story that is perfect for those days curled up on the couch.

Biggest Emotional Roller-Coaster
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green had me chuckling and smiling to myself, then moments later in tears, and then back smiling again. It was so amazingly sad and wonderfully witty at the same time.

Most Original and Imaginative
Every You, Every Me was a collaborative effort between author David Levithan and photographer Jonathan Farmer. Farmer would give Levithan a photograph who would then write part of the novel incorporating the photo. When Levithan needed the next photo, Farmer would give him one. This is how the whole book was written. Levithan never knew what image he would be given next, and Farmer didn’t read anything until the first draft was complete.

Best Under-Appreciated, Hidden Gem Book
Wonder by R.J. Palacio, Everything Left Unsaid by Jessica Davidson and Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt are unbelievably powerful and amazing books that deserved far more hype than what they appeared to receive.

I-Had-No-Idea-I-Would-Love This-So Award
I came across Kate Evangelista a couple of years ago before she had an agent or a publishing deal and was quite excited by her writing. The publication of her debut novel Taste in 2012 left me completely blown away. I was eager to read her work, but I honestly had no idea just how much I would love it. Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry and Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt were both debut authors who I picked up and was shocked beyond belief how amazing each of their books were. And in 2012, for the first time, I tried an Alyson Noel novel, Fated. Having always rejected reading her other titles since they didn't sound like my kind of stories, Fated pleasantly surprised me.

Can’t Believe You Waited This Long To Read The Book
On the Jellicoe Road, Saving Francesca and Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta. I'm not sure why I never picked these up before this year but I'm sure glad I finally did! Melina is an amazing writer.

Book You Stayed Up The Latest To Finish
Skin Deep by Laura Jarratt. I picked this up just before bed to read the first chapter and ended up reading the entire thing!

Always Recommending This Book Award
Pushing The Limits really did surprise me so much and since Katie McGarry was a debut author, I did my best to get others reading her.

Best Couple
Echo And Noah from Pushing the Limits are definitely my favourite couple of the year.

Who I So Want To Be Best Friends With
Phoenix from Taste by Kate Evangelista is gutsy, stubborn and smart and would make an awesome BF.

Who I Fell Completely In Love With
Noah from Pushing the Limits. Can I just give him a hug? Please?

Who Broke Your Heart The Most
August from Wonder by R.J. Palicio and Noah from Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry.

Characters That Lingered Long After Finishing
Everyone from On the Jellicoe Road. Melina Marchetta's talent at weaving such amazing storylines and heartfelt characters left me completely awestruck for days.

Favourite Best Friends/Friendship Award
This has to go to Kat from Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter. I'd definitely want her on my side as a bestie :)

Best/Worst Character Names
It's always the worst names that stand out and I have to say that I really didn't like Daire and Dace from Fated by Alyson Noel.

Steamiest Scenes
Noah And Echo from Pushing the Limits get this award for their fiery, highly charged and fever inducing chemistry! Phoenix and Demitri from Taste come in as runners-up.

Killer Cliffhanger Award
God damn you Rhiannon Hart! Blood Storm's devastating cliff-hanger definitely wins this one.

Fave Book Title
I'm quite partial to The Colour of Trouble by Gerry Bobsien and The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith.

Fave Quotes
“I didn’t tell him that the diagnosis came three months after I got my first period. Like: Congratulations! You’re a woman. Now die.” 
- Hazel, The Fault in Our Stars

"It’s like some people you see sometimes, and you can’t imagine what it would be like to be that person, whether it’s somebody in a wheelchair or somebody who can’t talk. Only I know that I am that person to other people, maybe to every single person in that whole auditorium.
To me, though, I’m just me. An ordinary kid."
- August, Wonder

"Does she know how lonely I feel, even when I’m surrounded by people?" 
- Tai, Everything Left Unsaid

Fave Covers of 2012

I hope I've given you a few books to add to your TBR pile. I really like these questions so I'm going to check with Nomes and make sure she is happy for me to continue on this survey each year. 
Happy New Year all!


  1. Thank you so much for adding Taste to your list. You like Phoenix more than I do. *laughs* Hard at work on Savor and Fervor now. Twin companion novels for Taste featuring Luka. Wouls love to have you participate in the tour and possibly cover blurb for one or both of them. *hugs* Happy New Year!

    1. Hey Kate, I'd love to help out any way I can. Send me an email when you have the details :)
