Saturday, January 26, 2013

Awesome Aussie Books

Happy Australia Day!

In honour of all things Aussie today, I thought I would share some of my favourite books by Australian authors. This is only a very small list but they are all wonderful and if you haven't read them yet, click on the image to read my review.


Do you have a favourite Aussie author or novel?


  1. Wow. I only recognize one from that list. It's a shame, the US really should have more Aussie authors. They all look like great reads :)

  2. Well, I at least recognise all of these titles. :P Have only read 4 of them so far, though I do own On the Jellicoe Road and Black Painted Fingernails. Happy Australia Day! (Though it's passed- it's 1:30 am right now as I post this) I ate a lot of Aussie food today (no rice!), and I could smell someone having a Barbie when I went outside for a stroll.

  3. I know Blood Song but not so familiar with the rest, it's high time I read some Aussie books! Great post :)

    Book a World

  4. so many of my faves on here. i couldnt even pick out a top three from here. it feels good just looking at them and reminding myself about books that i love x
