Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Author Interview: Katie McGarry

Katie McGarry, author of Pushing the Limits
Debut author Katie McGarry burst onto the YA scene in July with her amazing novel, Pushing the Limits. Readers were instantly pulled into the devastating lives of Echo and Noah as they strived to find 'normal', something they both desperately wanted. We fell in love with them and they are arguably one of our favourite YA couples this year.

My Review In A Nutshell:
Pushing the Limits had me staying up until the early hours just to read a bit more of Noah and Echo’s story. First of all, the chemistry between the two… Yeesh! It was fiery, highly charged and fever inducing and totally had me blushing at some points. But, it is an emotional roller-coaster as two lost, lonely and broken people attempt to rebuild their destroyed lives. Does that  sound  too depressing? Never fear, you will fall in love with this book and the characters within.

You can read the rest of my Pushing the Limits review here.

For those of you who want questions about Noah and Echo answered, Katie answers a fan question on her blog each week.

For those wanting to know what Katie plans to write next, she will be writing a companion novel to Pushing the Limits, featuring Beth. This will be called Dare You To and will be released in 2013.

I would like to welcome Katie to The Tales Compendium and thank her for answering a few questions about herself.


I was the kind of kid who... had a million make-believe friends and I went on make-believe fabulous adventures with them. I was a storyteller before I knew what a storyteller was.

My mother always told me... that you’re lucky if you can count on your hand the number of true friends you have—those people who will stick by you no matter what.

The biggest lesson I learnt at school was... to stick by your friends, regardless of other peoples’ opinions of them.

My first big crush was... in first grade. I didn’t know his name so I nicknamed him Ronald McDonald. He never corrected me when I called him that and when I gave him my phone number he called.

I earnt my first pay cheque... babysitting in middle school.

I really hate it when... my characters won’t talk to me. That leads to writer’s block.

I’m very good at... remembering lyrics to songs.

The hardest thing I’ve ever done is... say goodbye to my best friend. She died when we were twenty.

I’m frightened of... cemeteries.

When I’m in the shower I sing…
um, lately? Harder to Breathe by Maroon 5.

The last book I read was... Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter. I LOVED it. Go buy it. Now.

I would love to meet... S.E. Hinton. The Outsiders was my favorite book when I was a teenager.

When I get the munchies I eat... cheddar flavored rice cakes.

I hope I never... stop laughing at myself.

Life is... good today.

1 comment:

  1. Cool interview! :)) i super loved pushing the limits too!
