Thursday, May 31, 2012


And......they're done!

You may have noticed my lack of posts recently. This has been due to a self-imposed ban of reading and reviewing as I finished my final assignments for my university units.

But it's now official. I handed in my last two assignments this morning so I now have six whole weeks of freedom and I plan on spending my time catching up on my massive TBR pile (see below) and finally giving The Tale Compendium a long awaited makeover!

Just some of the books I have to get through out of six TBR shelves!

I'm looking forward to once again immersing myself in the wonderful book blogosphere. Oh how I have missed thee!

Jess xx


  1. Woohoo! You are awesome-sauce, Jess!

  2. yay! congrats on finishing! you've done brilliantly

    hope you get to relax and chill out for a while

    also ~ love the new look of your blog!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. YAY, that is fantastic news! I bet your relieved that the assignments are done and you now have 6 weeks to relax, read and recover from it all.

    LOVE The Catastrophic History of You and Me! Is that Amy and Roger's Epic Detour I spot? That book is awesome! Road trip <3 Psych Major Syndrome looks amazing, looking forward to hear what you think of it!

  5. Congrats on finishing! That's one attractive TBR pile, happy reading :-)
