Friday, February 10, 2012

Sean Griswold's Head by Lindsey Leavitt

Title: Sean Griswold's Head
Author: Lindsey Leavitt

Release Date: 1st January 2012

My Rating: 3/5

According to her guidance counsellor, fifteen-year-old Payton Gritas needs a focus object-an item to concentrate her emotions on. It's supposed to be something inanimate, but Payton decides to use the thing she stares at during class: Sean Griswold's head. They've been linked since third grade (Griswold-Gritas-it's an alphabetical order thing), but she's never really known him.

The focus object is intended to help Payton deal with her father's newly diagnosed multiple sclerosis. And it's working. With the help of her boy-crazy best friend Jac, Payton starts stalking-er, focusing on-Sean Griswold . . . all of him! He's cute, he shares her Seinfeld obsession (nobody else gets it!) and he may have a secret or two of his own.

In A Nutshell:
Sean Griswold’s Head, is an angst-y teen story about a girl who is scared of the unknown that an illness can bring to a family. It is something that would appeal to the younger YA market.

My Review:
Sean Griswold’s Head is the story of Payton Gritas, an intelligent, yet awkward and randomly funny, teenage girl who finds out by accident that her dad is suffering from multiple sclerosis. Rather than be upset about her dad’s disease, she is angry and hurt when she discovers she was the only one in the family who hadn’t been told. Payton spends her time giving her family the silent treatment and when she does decide to talk to them, she is insolent and rude.

As a character she whines a lot and is viewed as selfish by those around her. But what the story really comes down to is that she is just a girl who is struggling to come to terms with the fact her strong, capable father will not always be that way and this is something she is too scared to face.

At her parent’s request, Payton starts seeing the school counsellor as the normally high achieving student becomes distracted and unfocussed. The guidance counsellor (who appears to need her own counsellor) gives Payton a focusing exercise that should have been fairly simple. Yet Payton turns it into something else, which is where Sean Griswold comes into the picture (he is so sweet and will have you going ‘awwww’ multiple times) and ends up being what Payton needed in the beginning (aside from a good kick up the bum for the way she treats her poor parents!).

Sean Griswold’s Head, is an angst-y teen story about a girl who is scared of the unknown that an illness can bring to a family. It is something that would appeal to the younger YA market and for fans of Little Sister, Have You Seen Ally Queen and/or Geek Girl.

1 comment:

  1. if she whines as much as ally from have you seen ally queen i don't think it's my thing, but i enjoyed your review.
