Thursday, January 5, 2012

Most Anticipated Releases of 2012 and 2011 Challenges Round-up

Most Anticipated Releases of 2012

There are so many books set for release in 2012 that I think will be amazing. I could write a very long list but instead I have chosen to share with you my top ten most anticipated releases of 2012.

For more exciting releases, click here.

What do you think of these? Which books are you most looking forward to this year?

2011 Challenges Round-up
Throughout 2011 I participated in two reading challenges; The Aussie YA Reading Challenge and the YA Reading Challenge.

Being an Australian resident, my goal was to read twelve YA books by Australian authors (international participants had to read six). I am pleased to say I read sixteen wonderful Aussie books in 2011.

For the YA Reading Challenge, there were four different levels. I chose the one with the highest amount of books; The
Mega YA Reading Challenge – Read 50+ Young Adult novels. I also reached this goal, reading sixty-one YA novels (well actually, that's just how many I reviewed on here, the actual number is probably closer to 75).

To view the titles, click here.
Yay for me! To see what challenges I am participating in throughout 2012, click here.


  1. Oh man, I'm excited about most of those titles you mentioned! 'The Fault in our Stars' will be the first John Green book I'll read. :) Already read the previews and it reads so beautifully. Sarah Alderson's books cannot publish themselves quickly enough! Of course I'm waiting badly on 'The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight' ~ I already, shamelessly, requested it for review at Hachette. :P

    And OMG 'The Disenchantments'! Nina LaCour! And Stephanie Perkins! The second I grab a copy of ISLA I'll be tearing through it.

    Bleh. I just counted and I only read 9 Aussie YA in 2011. Boo!

  2. i am really wanting fated, but also nervous it will not be my thing :/ (i loved lila SO much)

    also ~ cannot wait for the disenchantments. it should be turning up any day now :D
