Sunday, January 8, 2012

Meeting Sarah Alderson

Last week I was very fortunate to meet the lovely Sarah Alderson, author of Hunting Lila and the recently released, Fated. Myself and five other bloggers and fans met up with Sarah at Greenhouse in Perth to talk books, literary crushes and travelling, as well as eating yummy dessert!

Sarah and I

Signing our books :)

A big thankyou to Sarah for taking time out of her Christmas holiday to meet up with us. It was an absolute treat and she was a delight to meet. A great afternoon had by all!


  1. Sounds amazing!!! And at the Greenhouse too..I was there the other day!

  2. Aw, so lucky! I've have killed to have Sarah stop in Sydney--she's one of my new fave authors, both Hunting Lila and Fated rock!

    Glad you had a great time!

    Oh, and you got a shout out this week in my IMM for the wonderful book I won from you =)
    Happy reading!

    Rachel @ The Rest Is Still Unwritten

  3. AWWWWW she didn't come to Sydney! And darn it I cannot wait to read FATED. WHEN IS IT RELEASING IN PB? ALL I KNOW IS THE E-BOOK. . . . Or is there a paperback already? AAAAAAHHHHH

  4. haha she didn't go to Sydney cos she was just here for Christmas as she has family here. We just got lucky for once :)

    And I believe Fated was released this week in PB

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