Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Faves of TwentyEleven - Day Two - The Characters!

The totally awesome Nomes over at inkcrush is once again hosting Favourite Books of TwentyEleven. You can check out the categories and rules here. Basically, my challenge is to answer all the questions using only the books I have read throughout 2011.

Yesterday's category? The Books!

Today's category? The Characters!

favourite female main character
Harper from Saving June and Piper from Five Flavours of Dumb

favourite male main character
Adam from Where She Went, hands down :)

best couple
Annabel and Owen from Just Listen. Runners up? Lola and Cricket from Lola and the Boy Next Door

who i so want to be best friends with
Anna and the gang from Anna and the French Kiss or Harper and Laney from Saving June

who i fell completely in love with (new literary crush)
Oh god! There is no hope picking just one! Jake (Saving June), Adam (Where She Went), Owen (Just Listen), Dave (A Little Wanting Song), Cricket (Lola and the Boy Next Door).... the list could go on and on!

worst (best & baddest) villian
Brand from Burn Bright creeps me out to the max! Honourable mentions to Amelie, Oliver, Myrnin and Bishop from Morganville Vampires!

best kick-arse female
Riley from The Demon Trapper's Daughter with honourable mentions to Karou from Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Abby from Released by Megan Duncan (review to come).

best kick-arse male
Hmm I guess Four from Divergent. And the boys from Hunting Lila, Die For Me and Released are pretty awesome too :D

Linkbroke your heart the most
Everyone in Crash Into Me, Aaron from The Dead I Know and Adam from Where She Went. I just want to hug them all!Link

favourite pet/animal character award
Bernie Kosar from I Am Number Four/The Power of Six. And a special mention to Leap and Griffin from Blood Song.Link
best YA parents award
Lola's dads in Lola and the Boy Next Door
Link favourite sibling relationship
Piper and Finn (Five Flavours of Dumb), Vee and Mattie (Slide), Kirsten, Whitney and Annabel (Just Listen).

favourite best friends/friendship award
Vee and Rollins (Slide), Four/John and Sam (I am Number Four/Power of Six), Laney and Harper (Saving June), Alex and Jack (Hunting Lila)

best/worst character names
I love the name Harper Scott from Saving June. It's just so cool :) and I love Owen's name from Just Listen although that could just be because I am in love with his character! I have to say I don't like the names Cricket and Calliope from Lola and the Boy Next Door :(

Tomorrow? The Scenes!


  1. I agree with so many of your selections! Also, Crash Into Me sounds awesome. How has it not come across my radar?

  2. i love harper scott too (as a name, and the character, LOL)

    i agree crash into me sounds awesome.

    i will ALWAYS think of you whenever i think of Just listen. You are the ultimate fangirl <3

  3. Argh, I have a copy of Five Flavors of Dumb sitting on my shelf - must get to it! So many books to read and so little time, LOL.

  4. Harper is just awesome. I love Adam! I thought about adding Piper and Finn to my list too. :)

  5. I picked Lola's dads for the best YA parent award too! I think they're awesome and they made me want to meet real life gay parents. :P Yay for all the love for Saving June and Daughter of Smoke and Bone - those two books are included in my 2011 favorites.

  6. LOVE Adam in WSW, and I wanted to hug him alright. I really like the name Cricket but agree Calliope is terrible.
    Here is my list
