Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Faves of TwentyEleven - Day Three - The Scenes

The totally awesome Nomes over at inkcrush is once again hosting Favourite Books of Twenty Eleven. You can check out the categories and rules here. Basically, my challenge is to answer all the questions using only the books I have read throughout 2011.

Previous categories? The Books! The Characters!

Today's category? The Scenes!

Today's questions were really hard for me as I don't usually remember specific scenes from a book once I've finished it and moved onto a new one. Usually what I remember is the overall feel of the book. So, having said that, I've tried my best to answer with little help from my pathetic memory.

best first chapter
Saving June, Five Flavours of Dumb, Where She Went

best climax
Die For Me

best ending
Where She Went

best plot twist/revelation (no spoilers!)
Between - Poor Lindsey! Her emotions are described so well. The Warlock - OMG the last page! I hate cliff-hangers!

scariest/most disturbing scene
I really didn't like the scenes featuring Brand in Burn Bright and I also thought Lenoir with the blood was gross.

steamiest scene (or sweetest/sexiest kiss award)
Harper and Jake from Saving June and the scene featuring 'The Doors'. Also, Lola and Cricket in the laneway(!) from Lola and the Boy Next Door.

best swoon-worthy moment
Oh gosh there are so many! The one that really sticks in my mind is when Jake sings 'Tears in Heaven' to Harper as she falls asleep in Saving June. There are lots of other swoon-worthy moments in Just Listen, Where She Went, Anna and the French Kiss, Lola and the Boy Next Door, The Big Crunch and A Little Wanting Song.

biggest nail-biting moment
I'm sure this category could be filled by something from Divergent or Hunting Lila.

most hilarious scene
Can't remember any exact scenes but definitely something from Beauty Queens

most heart-breaking/tear-jerker moment
This one is easy for me. Early on in The Demon Trapper's Daughter I practically bawled my eyes out. I won't say why because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone but I'm pretty sure I cried for like, 30 pages. And I find this funny because it's not supposed to be a sad book but anyway...

I also found one scene in particular from Between that I thought was written extremely well and I totally welled up. Again, I don't want to say what it is because it's kinda crucial to the storyline but if you have read it then you most likely know what I am talking about (hint: memories). And another one is in Five Flavors of Dumb and a scene between Finn and Piper when Finn talks about why he learned sign language. I get a lump in my throat every time I read the quote (see review).

BONUS: favourite meet cute
Black Painted Fingernails. Runners up? Die For Me, Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Tomorrow? The Random!


  1. oh, Harper and Jake

    i tried hard not to reuse them all the time, haha. they really are the ultimate (i am planning on rereading it these hols <3)

  2. It seems that you and I are among the very few people who actually enjoyed Die For Me. All those negative reviews made me so sad.

    And Lisa and you have the same swoon-worthy moment. :) Admittedly, what Jake did in that van was so cute I almost melted.
    Oh, and I cried for Riley in Demon Trapper's Daughter too! It was horrible.
    Great post! :)

  3. I definitely agree with you and the swoon in Lola and saving June
    Great book choices

  4. OHH That Tears in Heaven part was just le SWOOOON, and hells yes, the Doors scene ;) And ahhh WSW seriously had the BEST ending <33 Five Flavors of Dumb!! YAY!! I loooved Finn and Piper's relationship. Awesomesauce list!

  5. Harper and Jake! <3 Saving June is one of my favorite reads this year and there are a lot of swoon-worthy scenes in it. Jake has also been added to my list of fictional crushes :P

  6. Isn't Where She Went just great?! I sooooo need to get to Saving June soon!
    Here is my list:
