Monday, December 19, 2011

Faves of TwentyEleven - Day One - The Books!

The totally awesome Nomes over at inkcrush is once again hosting Favourite Books of Twenty Eleven. You can check out the categories and rules here. Basically, my challenge is to answer all the questions using only the books I have read throughout 2011.

Today's category? The Books!

favourite book read in 2011
This is honestly impossible for me just to pick one... Saving June, Where She Went, Just Listen (re-read) and Five Flavours of Dumb. I fell in love with all four of these for different reasons. Go check out my reviews and if you haven't put them on your TBR list, then go do it!

most powerful book
Where She Went and Five Flavours of Dumb. Just amazing and completely blew my mind :)

brilliantly funny
Beauty Queens

best ache-y, heart-breaking, tear-jerker read
Where She Went and Five Flavours of Dumb - oh god!

most beautiful story
Saving June, The Big Crunch - it's just so realistic and sweet!

delicious rainy day comfort read
Just Listen - I could read this over and over and never get sick of it! Anna and the French Kiss or Lola and the Boy Next Door - Stephanie Perkins' two books are just so delicious!

adrenalin-fuelled, unputdownable award
Divergent - This will most likely sweep the awards but there are others that deserve honourable mentions such as The Power of Six, Hunting Lila, Slide, Wish You Were Dead (review coming soon) and POD due to the incredible amount of suspense the authors created.

the beautiful prose award
A Little Wanting Song and Saving June. Just stunning!

most atmospheric and vivid setting
Die For Me and Where She Went. Reading these I could totally picture myself wandering around the streets of Paris and New York again. It made me nostalgic and desperate to go back!

i-so-want-to-go-there award
This category could be understood in a few different ways. I pick Anna and the French Kiss because I wish I was part of their friendship group, was living in Paris, and had St. Clair to hang with all day. Saving June because I want to be sitting in the fourth car seat with Jake, Harper and Laney. Oh and Where She Went so I can give Adam a hug.

most original and imaginative
Five Flavours of Dumb - um hello, deaf girl managing a band?!

best under-appreciated, hidden gem book
90 Packets of Instant Noodles and A Straight Line to my Heart are both Aussie novels which I thought were fantastic but haven't seen many reviews for. Also, The Big Crunch, which I bought when I was in the US. It's not your typical teen romance story and mirrors real life more than most teen novels.

i-had-no-idea-i-would-love this-so award
The Demon Trappers Daughter -I was super surprised to really enjoy this story filled with pesky demons and a totally cool main character. Blood Song - I thought this originally sounded like another fantasy vampire story. It's not. All These Things I've Done - I was indifferent about this story about a girl who is the daughter of a dead mob boss set in a dystopian NYC future where chocloate and coffee are illeageal, paper is only for the wealthy and water is rationed.

most haunting story
Love is the Higher Law - gave me shivers.

outside my comfort zone but gosh how i loved it
The Dead I Know - very different to what I would usually pick up but I really enjoyed it and my heart totally broke for Aaron.

series that i’m loving
Lorian Legacies - I Am Number Four, The Power of Six and bring on The Rise of Nine in 2012!

always recommending this book award
Five Flavours of Dumb, Saving June and Where She Went, for all the reasons mentioned in this list!

completely awesome premise award
Five Flavours of Dumb - Piper is deaf and she has just been challenged to manage her high-schools' rock band and get them an actual paying gig. Beauty Queens - absolutely hilarious story about a plane full of beauty queens that crash lands on a seemingly deserted island. All These Things I've Done - a dystopian storyline of a future that isn't actually hard to believe!

would make the best movie
Divergent, Five Flavours of Dumb, Saving June

want to re-read already
Just Listen - I'm seriously addicted!

My apologies to everyone who is sick of hearing about Saving June, Where She Went and Five Flavours of Dumb!

Tomorrow? The Characters!


  1. loved this post jess.

    i really need to get on with reading five flavours of dumb (i even have it sitting in my pile)

    i can't believe how much i loved blood song either!

    i havent read any of your hidden gem books but i swear they are on my list, haha.

    also ~ cath crowley's prose is AMAZING

  2. I love how you mentioned Saving June several times, loved that book and it's now included in my favorites. Stephanie Perkins books are a lot of fun, aren't they? I'm going to give Anna and the French Kiss as a Christmas gift because it's so easy to like. :) I really want to participate in Nomes' awards thing! I'll try to squeeze in a post so I can join the fun.

  3. Lovely post! I really need to read Five Flavors of Dumb! I have it in my reader, but I always end up reading something else, I'm not even sure why. I'll move move it up because of this.

    Maja @ TheNocturnal Library

  4. Haha I'm sorry for all the repetition! I'm sure you guys will eventually get to Five Flavours of Dumb, although Nomes you did say that 6 months ago :P

    Ahh Chachic, such great books :) Maybe you could just do some of the questions rather than all 20!

  5. love it! you kept mentioning Saving June and i just bought it and i'm sooo excited to read it!! And all the other books you mentioned (YAY for FFOD appreciation!!) i absolutely adore as well (uhm, hands off of my Adam XD), great post!!

  6. You can never mention Where She Went too often :). It was one of my fave reads this year as well! Can't wait to check out A Little Wanting Song (loved Graffiti Moon) and A Straight Line To My heart (if I'll ever be able to get it over her in Europe).

    Thanks for stopping by my blog :). See you around!

  7. Yes! I just want to give Adam a big hug too! Then I want to marry him and have a million babies with him. LOL

    I've had A Little Wanting Song and The Five Flavors of Dumb on my TBR for way too long. I'll have to make time to read them soon.

    Thanks for your hidden gems. I hadn't heard about those books before, but now I want to go look them up. They look great!

  8. I agree completely with Beauty Queens. I laughed through the entire novel. I listened to it on audio and Libba Bray reading it was so much more spectacular than I could have imagined.

  9. I love how much you mention Just Listen! It is one of my all-time favorites! I also agree with Anna and the French Kiss and Divergent.

    Here's mine:

  10. So many awesome books! Five Flavors of Dumb sounds brilliant! Must find myself a copy immediately.

  11. Ahhh! We have some books in common! I agree with WSW and Saving June! I'm following you now-- I'm excited!

    - Mary | Anxirium

  12. Definitely take a closer look at forgotten! It is amazing!

  13. I'm looking forward to reading a few of these!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Awesome selection of books there, Jess. I've only read a few and definitely agree with those ones! Hey, could I possibly borrow your copy of 'Lola and The Boy Next Door'?
