Thursday, December 22, 2011

Faves of TwentyEleven - Day Four - The Random

The totally awesome Nomes over at inkcrush is once again hosting Favourite Books of Twenty Eleven. You can check out the categories and rules here. Basically, my challenge is to answer all the questions using only the books I have read throughout 2011.

Previous categories? The Books! The Characters! The Scenes!

Today's category? The Random!

fave first sentence

"The first time Wes saw June, he thought she was kind of funny-looking."...and the following two sentences make it even better..."She had these thick lips, a wide mouth, greenish-blue eyes that were a little too far apart, and her hair - a dark blond color - looked still wet from her morning shower. Wes thought she looked like a sea creature pretending to be human." - The Big Crunch

fave book title
Black Painted Fingernails. With a shout-out to 90 Packets of Instant Noodles and Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

fave reading experience (ie: created a great reading memory)
Nic, Nomes and I all read Saving June at the same time so it was awesome to be able to chat about what was going on, especially since we all LOVED it. Special mention to Where She Went and Die For Me because, having been to New York and Paris, I was able to really picture the settings even more so than usual.

book with the best food in it (made you so crazy-envious-hungry)
Have You Seen Ally Queen? - Ally was constantly eating Killer Pythons! I went out and bought some the next day :)

most embarrassing book cover (feeling sheepish in public or just plain ugly)
I don’t really have one for this but I suppose Hex because it is bubble-gum pink and doesn’t look like a book a 24-year-old should/would be reading.

can’t believe you waited this long to read the book (!)
I had a bit of a reading slump in the second half of the year and it took me forever to get to Daughter of Smoke and Bone, City of Fallen Angels, Hunting Lila and Lola and the Boy Next Door.

book you'd give your mum/sister to read

I gave my mum Five Flavours of Dumb and A Little Wanting Song and she really enjoyed them both. I would give my sister Divergent or Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

book you'd give your dad/brother to read
Haha my dad wound never read any of the books I read, and I don't have a brother. But if I did, I would give him the I am Number Four/The Power of Six.

book that lived up to (or superseded the hype)
Where She Went without a doubt! Honourable mentions to Blood Song, Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Hunting Lila.

book you were *dying* to get your hands on the most
Where She Went! I was also really excited to get What Happened to Goodbye (which I was unfortunately a bit disappointed by) and Slide (which the author sent me an ARC and I loved).

fattest brick of a book you read (by page count)
Hmmm not sure. Divergent I think (487 pages).

killer cliffhanger award
The Warlock!!! Book 5 in The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel series.

Tomorrow? The final category, The Covers!


  1. Love the choice, Jess. And I want those gummy worms. :-)

  2. I love that opening line!! And I'm really excited about Slide!

  3. I've never even heard of 90 Packets of Instant Noodles, but that is one awesome title! It just has to go on my tbr.
    Sheesh, was Divergent really that long? I read the ebook so I didn't know. I guess all the action made it seem shorter than it was.

  4. Oh man, that is definitely an awesome first sentence!! And I think you chose the perfect books to give to your mom/sister, just awesome picks :) Aaaah Where She Went was so perfect!! <3 I loved it sooo much :)
