Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Maggie Stiefvater Giveaway!

As you may have read a week or so ago, I was fortunate enough to go and see the fabulous Maggie Stiefvater speak. I got my books signed and a photo with Maggie. I know a lot of people weren't able to attend the event so I got some extra stuff signed and am now giving it away!

1st Prize - a signed paperback copy of Shiver
2 x Runners-up - each will get a Forever badge and a signed bookmark

You must be a follower via Google Friend Connect to enter.
Sorry but this is only open to Australian residents.
Entries close 30th September 2011.

To enter, please leave a comment below saying which author you would love to meet if they were to come to Australia (this is not a trick question and does not have to be Maggie!).
Please also leave your name and email address.


  1. Awesome giveaway! There is a bunch of Aussie authors I would love to meet but if I have to pick an international author to come to Aus for a signing it would be Elizabeth Scott.

    Nic @ Irresistible Reads

  2. There's no question about it: I would LOVE to meet JK Rowling if she ever came to Australia - the HP series is my favourite.


  3. I would love to meet Nalini Singh if she ever came to Australia :) I would be so honored! If you have never read her books, you probably wouldn't understand, but the way she writes is amazing. Absolutely awe-inspiring. Yeah, so I guess I really just want to meet her because she is awesome ;)

    trunghiep61 [at] yahoo [dot] com

    Thank you for the awesome giveaway! Please have a good day~!^^

  4. I would love to meet Tamora Pierce. She was the first young adult fantasy author I started reading way back when I was at school. She writes really strong female characters that experience life and learn about themselves.


  5. I would love to meet Melina Marchetta :) But International I would probably say J.K. Rowling for sure, or Cassandra Clare, she was actually in Sydney this year. And I am going to the Becca Fitzpatrick signing in December :)


  6. J.K. would be AMAZING to meet and I would love to meet john green again...

    Kylie1403 AT gmail DOT com

  7. I would love to meet Sophie Kinsella, Jaclyn Moriarty, or Ally Carter! (british, aussie, and american respectively, haha!)
    Oh John Green is a good one too :)

    xx Arielle

  8. I'd love to meet Lisa See and Michelle Moran!

    aikychien at yahoo dot com

  9. Ooooh, I'd definitely like to meet JK Rowling & Julie Kagawa :) Oh and if Cassandra Clare would visit Australia again, I'd definitely go!

  10. I'm having trouble signing in but I am a GFC follower. I would most like to meet Richelle Mead.
