Saturday, September 3, 2011

Maggie Stiefvater Event in Perth!

On Thursday night I was very lucky to listen to the wonderful Maggie Stiefvater speak here in Perth at the A.H. Bracks Library in Melville. The library organised a great set up with food, drinks and freebies and even though Maggie got stuck in the terrible rush-hour traffic, we had the squealing excitement of teenage girls to keep us entertained while we waited.

Despite the traffic and inconvenient rain, Maggie arrived bouncy and excited to be there. She was funny and animated as she talked about wolves, plant people, Eric Bana, evil faeries, Cole St. Clair and bathtubs. She talked about growing up writing books about dogs driving race cars and a story from the perspective of a flag. We heard stories about her tour through Eastern Europe with a Hungarian wolf man and traditional Bulgarian bagpipes as well as how authors should never make April Fools' jokes about their books!

If you missed the talk, never fear! Marissa over at Novels on the Run recorded the whole thing and will be posting it in parts over the next week.

Thankyou to Maggie for being such a happy and entertaining speaker and to Get Reading who brought her over to Perth. Stay tuned for signed Maggie stuff coming up in a give-away later this week!


  1. Great photo's. She certainly kept us entertained.

  2. Love the photos and that you got to meet her! :-)

  3. I'm glad it was awesome Jess, totally bummed I couldn't make it but that's life sometimes :-)

  4. Thanks for sharing about the fun :)

  5. Looks like you had an awesome time:)

  6. oh she looks like so much fun.

    you have so many cool author pics :)

  7. I liker her a lot. The lively way of speaking spurns not a dull moment. She connects well with audiences.
