Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Just So You Know...

I just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow I am heading to Sydney (that's the other side of Australia from me here in Perth for those of you who don't know) for two and a half weeks. While I will still be posting, it won't be as often and I will be a bit behind on leaving comments.

Why you may ask? Because I am going to Sydney so that I can take part in some work experience at the wonderful Walker Books!

I have quite a few things scheduled for the coming weeks including another giveaway, an author interview and some new-release reviews.

stay tuned for news of my adventures in the publishing world!

Jess xoxo


  1. Ooh, coolies! Hope you enjoy your work experience. I'll be . . . around. Haha. Enjoy Sydney. ;)

  2. That is exciting! I can't wait to hear about you adventures :)

  3. Sounds like so much fun - you'll learn lots and have a blast!

  4. you are going to have a blast :)

    can't wait to hear about it (unless it is all top secret, haha)


  5. Oh that's so cool! Have an awesome time.

  6. Thanks guys! I haven't even started the work experience yet and I'm already having a great time in Sydney. I went and visited the Random House kids department today...lots of fun!

  7. Aaaaah Jess! Have fun and be safe in your travels. I've always wanted to visit Australia. Maybe someday. Must be exciting to travel within the country because it's the landscape beautiful everywhere!

  8. That's awesome Jess! Hope you have a great time, looking forward to hearing about it all :-)

  9. That's so exciting Jess! I hope you have the most wonderful time and you're enjoying Sydney! It's a fantastic city, although I might be a little biased!

    We totally should have planned a book blogger meet up for while you're here! :(

  10. Thanks Sas! And yes, a meet-up would have been great. I'm not really sure which bloggers are around Sydney or I might have organised one myself! I'm around until the end of the week anyway if you want to meet up.
