Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bits and Pieces (2)

Amy Plum's debut book Die For Me has officially been released in Australia. Here is a little clip of Amy trying Vegemite for the first time and thanking Aussie bloggers (including yours truly :D)

The winner of the signed copy of Bite Club is...

Congratulations Arielle, I have contacted you by email and thankyou to everyone who entered.
So I'm a little bit late with posting this but here is the magical
book trailer for Forever, the third and final book in Maggie Steifvater's The Wolves of Mercy Falls series. The trailer features a track written by UK band Jonas & Plunkett, "Summer Girl" - with lyrics from Shiver.
Also, Cassandra Clare, author of the best-selling Mortal Instruments series is due to arrive in Australia this week for ten days. If you live in Sydney or Melbourne there are a number of different events where you can meet her. Click here for details.

And finally, head over to my Coming Soon page were new books by David Levithan, Andrea Cremer and Jay Asher have been added.


  1. haha ~ that's so funny how she started laughing

    confession: i have never tasted vegemite either (!) or my boys (they are 8 and 10 yrs)

    anyway, i am so hoping i'll love her book...

  2. OMG Nomes! How could you not have tasted Vegemite?! It's like a right of passage for Aussie kids! :O haha

    And I think you will like the book, even if it is supernatural :)

  3. Hi Jess,

    I am off to Cassandra Clare signing in MElbourne. Miss Suzi our Bookmark designer lives there and Carolyn our guest reviewer lives in W.A. so we are going for a couple day ladycation. I am super excited and have all my goodies organised for signings for blog giveaways. I have loved Cassandra's writing from the start and put anybody who will listen onto the books. I have an uber large crush on Jace...bless him:D


  4. Oohhh have fun Michelle! I love The Mortal Instruments :)
