Friday, March 11, 2011

A Night With Our Stars and Give-Away!

Last night, I went along to the CBCA's A Night With Our Stars, a showcase of West Australian authors and illustrators published in 2010. Along with my friend Julie, and Danni from The Book Nerd Club, we listened to just over twenty authors who each had three minutes to talk about their books. The speakers who were highlights for me were YA authors Shirley Marr, AJ Betts and Deb Fitzpatrick, as well as Elaine Forrestal, Sally Murphy, Meg McKinlay and Cristy Burne who write for younger readers.

Shirley Marr and Deb Fitzpatrick

AJ Betts

After the talks we were able to mingle with the authors and have books signed and I also got to catch up with some friends from my bookshops days (that makes me sound old!). I finally got to meet Shirley Marr and AJ Betts whose books, Fury and Wave Length, I reviewed last year and I got their books signed. Deb Fitzpatrick, author of 90 Packets of Instant Noodles, also signed a copy of her book for me which I am very much looking forward to reading. Unfortunately Kate McCaffrey, the author of Destroying Avalon, In Ecstasy and Beautiful Monster, wasn't able to make it which was unfortunate as I really wanted to meet her and have my books signed.

It was a wonderful evening and I got to meet some very lovely people. I was also lucky enough to have photos with both Shirley Marr and AJ Betts who were both SO nice. I still find it daunting introducing myself and meeting authors and I was so glad I didn't get star-struck and tongue tied this time. Danni put it perfectly saying "meeting authors is right up there with meeting rockstars". I idolise them both.

I would like to make a special mention of the venue for the evening, Westbooks. If you haven't already visited this fantastic store, you should. It has an amazing selection of children's and YA books with a small amount of adult titles as well. It's like the opposite of a regular book store, kids and teens have the majority here! I hadn't been there before but I will definitely be making a return visit.

As a special treat, I got extra copies of Fury, 90 Packets and Wave Length all SIGNED as give-aways.

The give-away is open INTERNATIONALLY until 11th April 2011. All three authors are from Perth, Australia so would be perfect for the Aussie YA Reading Challenge.

There are three simple steps:
1. You must be a follower
2. Tell others about this give-away, either in a blog post or by placing the give-away button on your blog
3. Leave a comment under this post with the link to where you have 'spread the word'


  1. Jess I am very jealous you got to meet Shirley Marr! I love Fury and she seems super nice. Actually the whole event looked like it was a lot of fun and WA has some very talented authors.

    I posted your giveaway button on my sidebar already and will mention it with my mailbox on Sunday.

    I would love to enter. I already have a signed Fury so though just in case I won. Wasn't sure if you are splitting the prize package...

  2. oooh ~ this is AWESOME. I love reading about events. AND you have author photos!

    )That reminds me ~ I still want to write a review for A J Betts book...

    (Don't enter me ~ I have already read ~ and own ~ two of these... but I'll spread the word sometime this week :)

  3. Great post of the event! I had a ball, and have been desperately trying to keep myself away from Westbooks so I don't go loose myself in there for hours and then have to try to explain to my husband why our credit card is maxed out. I feel my resolve slipping day by day.....

  4. I just found your blog today (newbie blogger here very grateful for all the links people put on the side of their blogs!), so it's been nice to look through your archive and see all the interviews & reviews.

    I'm from Melbourne and I wish we had a Westbooks here! Having a majority YA/kids section sounds like my idea of heaven!

  5. why, hello... I already have copies of these books, can't wait to get started on 90 Packets (psst Nic, I heard that Shirley chick is a total diva in real life, awful, awful)... I just want to say awesome writeup and you & mummazappa are gorgeous:)

  6. Oooh, please enter me!

    I've put the link/image at the bottom of my blog. :)

  7. Hi there, I've posted about your generous giveaway on my blog at
    Great post about ANWOS - nice action shots :)

  8. Such an awesome entry! Love the photos and it's so great the authors were so nice :) Shame about Kate McCaffrey, but sounds like such a great event nonetheless.

    WestBooks sounds cool, I've never been there either.

    So glad you had such a great night! xo

  9. Nic - Thanks Nic! It really was a great night. I wish we had more of them here in Perth.

    Oh and yes I will be splitting the prize package. Three books, three winners :D

    Nomes - Hehe I can't believe I have author photos either! It was lots of fun and all three of us had girly moments checking if we looked ok in the photos. Thank goodness for digital cameras!

    Mummazappa - lets hope we can do it again soon!

    Carly - welcome to the blogging world! I look forward to reading more of your reviews!

    Shirley - Thanks! And I think you heard wrong, that Shirley chick is totally nice and humble in real life :)

    Alice - Thanks for entering and spreading the word :)

    Caz - Thanks Caz! Great photo of you with Shirley, Lara and Cristy

    Elle - Lindy as soon as we have some spare money we are so making a trip to Westbooks :D

  10. Hi! I found your blog through Nic @ Irresistible Reads!

    These pictures are awesome! Looks like you had a great time. This is such an awesome giveaway, especially for US readers who are dying to get their hands on some Aussie books! Thank you so much.

    I have put the button on my sidebar:

    missie at

  11. Awesome giveaway! I want to read Fury :D!/braidenreadsya/status/46808331775516672


  12. Eek, thank you for this awesome giveaway!! Aussie books (esp. Melina Marchetta ones) find a way to wriggle into my best-books-evar lists quite easily, plus my Aussie Book Challenge is always looking for new... blood xD haha, anyways, i tweeted:!/pinkcreamsoda/status/46819086973407232
    thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Wow, a bookstore that's mostly YA. I'd be tempted to pitch a tent and live there!
    Anyway, awesome giveaway! I've been wanting to read Fury for ages. I tweeted word of this giveaway here:!/InTheGoodBooks/status/46827805790572544.


  14. This is absolutely awesome! There are so many Aussie books I want to read but cannot because of non-availability. Thanks a lot!
    I am a new follower.
    I posted the giveaway on my right sidebar under contests

  15. Sounds like it was a success...looks so fun.

    Stopping by from Bobbie Crawford McCoy's post in book blogs. Her post is a great way to meet new bloggers.

    Stop by my blog if you like.

    Please enter me in the giveaway.


    silversolara AT gmail DOT com

  16. Really great giveaway! Thank you for making it international.

    Posted the button on my sidebar:


  17. Awesome giveaway! I really want to read these books.

    My tweet:!/crackaspine/status/47229972229799937


  18. Thanks for the giveaway. I've been thinking lately I should read more Australia fiction! I think we should get a bigger hearsay overseas as well :)


  19. Wow. I keep hearing great things about Aussie YA yet I miss out on most of the books since they are not available here.

    Thanks for hosting this.

    I'm a follower.

    And I spread the word by adding you button on my sidebar:

  20. Wow!! Awesome contest!! Thanks so much!!

    I'm a new follower!

    I added the contest on my sidebar!

    inthehammockblog at gmail dot com

  21. Hi, new follower! posted on twitter:!/vollkopf/status/52158096256143360

  22. WOOT! I became your 100 follower!! That's super exciting. I also decided to spread the word here
    even though it's not a blog post or sidebar. I live in the US and I cannot find Fury anywhere to buy. I mean anywhere!! It's impossible and NOT fair.

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  23. Hi!

    I came across your blog through Nic @ Irresistible Reads. She also suggested Raw Blue. It took me a while... as I am new at blogging but I grabbed your button and posted it on my blog at http://isareads[dot]blogspot[dot]com.

    I also posted it on goodreads :)

  24. Hey! I also found you through Nic @ Irresistible Reads and I am now a new follower. I haven't officially opened a blog yet so I tweeted it here:!/Xenosophy/status/55824761191809024

  25. Button on sidebar:

    AWESOME contest, THANK YOUUU (aka darn the U.S.'s lack of Aussie YA books). Anyways, looking forward to following your blog! :)


  26. Wee, thank you for the giveaway and I envy you ;)
    I put the giveaway button into my sidebar:

    Thanks for the chance,

  27. You had a great time there ! envy you :D

    i came accross your blog from Candace's book blog. would love to enter this giveaway.

    - A follower via GFC

    uniquas at ymail dot com

  28. Came visiting from Bookblogs and decided that I like your site and have become a follower. I went to my first author events last year and was surprised by how much I enjoyed them. I have more planned in the future.

    heatherdpear at Hotmail dot com

  29. Thank you for the giveaway!:)
    These look great.
    Button on sidebar:

  30. This is an AWESOME giveaway!

    New follower on GFC and I put the giveaway button on my blog !

    danaan at gmx dot at

  31. Oh wow, I really want to read Fury! An Aussie friend of mine has recommended it to me and I'd love to get my hands on a copy!

    I'm a GFC follower (Kai Agito) and
    I posted the button on my blog's sidebar here:

    amaterasureads AT gmail DOT com

  32. Ah! I'm late to the giveaway but I hope I'm not TOO late!! I've been wanting to read Aussie YA but the US hasn't been so great at making them available :/

    I hope a tweet's okay:

    And I'm now a follower :) Thank you for the awesome giveaway! I look forward to checking out future posts :D
