Sunday, January 23, 2011

One-Year Blogoversary!

Today is my one year Blogoversary!

Thankyou so much to everyone who takes the time to read and comment. It means so much to me. First things first, the winners, thanks to, of my blogoversary giveaways are...

Prize Pack #1
Nomes from inkcrush

Prize Pack #2Monique from FantasyvsReality

Prize Pack #3Rabiah from Confessions of a Readaholic

Prize Pack #4 Braiden from YA Concoction

Congratulations to the winners and thankyou to everyone who entered!
The winners have been contacted by email.

Now for something fun. Or maybe it's just fun for me to make up these lists... either way, here is where I like to play "Get to know the blogger"

Some random things you probably don't know about me...

(and probably don't need to know)

~I love books, music, live gigs, travel and photography

~My favourite colour is green

~I love board games and winter

~My favourite authors are Cath Crowley, John Green, David Levithan and John Marsden

~I love Disney movies

~I hate peas, capsicum and coriander

~I have way too many literary crushes. These include, but are not limited to...

St. Clair from Anna and the French Kiss

Nick from Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist

Dave from A Little Wanting Song

Owen from Just Listen

Patrick from Fixing Delilah

Sam from Shiver

Jacob from North Of Beautiful

Love to all my followers xxx


  1. O...M...G...I won something! Thanks Jess heaps! I didn't get email yet though.

  2. Your welcome!

    Strange that you didn't get the email. I sent it 20mins ago and triple checked your email address. If it doesn't come through soon, could you send me an email with your address so I can post the books. jwillis87(at)hotmail(dot)com

  3. Congratulations on your Blogoversary! And stick with it. You're doing a terrific job.

  4. Congrats to all those who won! I'm pretty jealous of Nomes right now, but she definitely deserves both books. >__< She's as much a lover of contemp as I am, so I guess I can at least be assured that the books will go to someone who is sure to love them both.

    I guess I have enough to read already.

  5. Congrats to the winners!!! Love your little list about yourself. I noticed that we have a few of the same literary crushes including St Clair, Dave, Patrick and Sam. Might have to fight you for them ;)

  6. Robyn - Thankyou so much!

    Nic - Bring it on! ;)

  7. I knew all those things about you. You fail! :P

    Happy blogoversary... three days late! I fail too, haha. But you know I think your blog is truly amazing xoxo
