Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blogoversary Giveaway #4 - Final Prize Pack

On January 23rd, it will be my one-year blogoversary and to celebrate I am hosting a massive giveaway! Over the past few days I have announced a new prize pack each day. Today is my final giveaway. All you need to do to enter is become a follower, if not one already, and leave your name and email address in the comment section under the post. Spreading the word is not required but appreciated :)

There are three Australian-only giveaways and one international prize pack. Entries close on the 22nd of January and all will be drawn on the 23rd.

Today's featured giveaway is a new release supernatural pack and open only to those of you with an Australian postal address.

The Evil Within by Nancy Holder
The Dead by Charlie Higson
Jealousy by Lili St. Crow

Remember, you can still enter all giveaways up until 22nd January.
Prize Pack #1
Prize Pack #2
Prize Pack #3

The winners will be contacted 23rd January


  1. Braiden Asciak

    Thanks for these great giveaways! Fantastic job! Good luck everyone.

  2. Cheree Smith

    These giveaways were fantastic. Congrats again on the blogoversary.

  3. Another awesome giveaway :)

    I would love to enter. Thanks!


  4. Heard that The Dead is an amazing and thrilling novel. The Evil Within sounds creepy. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

    Cass(andra) Chu

    cc932005 at hotmail dot com

  5. All these competitions look so great, Jess! I tried to comment on this last night but blogger was being weird and not letting me post comments.

    Have you read "The Evil Within"? I just think of Nancy Holder as writing a lot of Buffy books, haha. But I used to love her writing so much.

    Happy (almost) one-year anniversary for your incredible blog! xoxo

    PS, Hope I don't mess with your entries as this is a just a regular comment, not an entry :)

  6. Oooh, I already have Jealousy and I bought The Dead yesterday because I just finished the first one and it was fantastic. I hadn't heard of The Evil Within, but the cover looks intriguing! Whoever wins is in for a treat!

  7. Every book in there sounds so good! I notice they're all Penguins? Thank you for the comps!

    readingcouture (at) gmail (dot) com
