Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fixing Delilah by Sarah Ockler

Title: Fixing Delilah
Author: Sarah Ockler

Release Date: 1st December 2010 (US), 1st May 2011 (Australia)

My Rating: 3/5


Things in Delilah Hannaford's life have a tendency to fall apart.

She used to be a good student, but she can't seem to keep it together anymore. Her "boyfriend" isn't much of a boyfriend. And her mother refuses to discuss the fight that divided their family eight years ago. Falling apart, it seems, is a Hannaford tradition.

Over a summer of new friendships, unexpected romance, and moments that test the complex bonds between mothers and daughters, Delilah must face her family's painful past. Can even her most shattered relationships be pieced together again?

My Review:
The story starts with Delilah's mother Claire receiving news from her sister Rachel that their mother has died, someone none of them have seen in eight years. The reason for their separation is unknown and is the underlying storyline throughout the book. As Delilah and Claire head back to Claire's childhood home for the funeral and to wrap up the estate, family feuds resurface, old friends appear and relationships are tested as secrets are slowly uncovered, leading to a shocking climax.

Delilah is not happy that her summer has been hijacked and that she now has to spend it preparing her grandmother's house for an estate sale with her mother and Aunt Rachel, but when childhood friend Ricky, now the very crush-worthy Patrick, and new friend Emily show up, things look a little less bleak. On top of that, Delilah starts to delve into why her family has been estranged for so many years, why no one will give her answers and why no one talks about her aunt Stephanie, who died when she was only nineteen.

What did I like about the book? I liked that I wasn't able to guess the exact details of the big mystery.Usually I guess these things pretty early on but this time I only guessed half of the secret so that element of surprise made me very happy. I really loved Delilah's new friendship with Em. So rarely do books have summer friendships, usually they just revolve around the boy the girl meets so I really liked how Em and Delilah strike up such a strong friendship and become so close.The description of the setting was perfect. I felt like I was actually there, maybe standing on the other side of the jetty, watching everything unfold. And of course, Patrick.

Fixing Delilah is a classic teen read about the mother-daughter dynamic, family secrets and lies, guilt and misunderstandings, rebuilding relationships, a swoon-worthy boy, lessons to be learned and journeys of self worth and self discovery. An easy summer read.

1 comment:

  1. love this review jess. i'm planning on getting this - once is gets to paperback days :)

    i also love when i don't guess exactly what happens...

