Sunday, September 5, 2010

Up, Up and Away!

Just a little update on what I like to call My Life.

Today I am flying to America for 3 months of travelling fun. But never fear, I have my trusty net-book with me and will still be posting reviews as well as little bits and pieces from book events I hope to find while I am over there.

If anyone knows of any book signings, release parties, or would like to meet up, please let me know.

My itinerary is:

Los Angeles 6-12 Sept
Las Vegas 12-16 Sept

San Francisco 16-23 Sept

Vancouver 23-26 Sept

Seattle 26-30 Sept
Chicago 30 Sept-4 Oct

Washington D.C. 4-10 Oct

New York 10-30 Oct

Boston 30 Oct-12 Nov

New York 12-16 Nov

Colorado - New Mexico - Arizona 16-21 Nov

Indiana 21-28 Nov

If anyone would like to read my travel blog, please feel free.


  1. Can I just say how envious I am of you right now? I want to got to the US too! Pack me into your suitcase.

  2. Hey Jess, I just got all your comments on my blog, life has been crazy I only just saw all of them. I'm so glad you liked Graffti moon, even though your not from melbourne, although Perth does have its fair amount of street art. Anyways have a great time overseas!!

    Oh and here is my review of Halo that you asked about, unfortunately it isn't favourable at all (be warned):

    Have a great trip!

  3. Wow. I want Your Life. :) Awesome traveling!
