Monday, August 16, 2010

Love for The Tales Compendium

It has been a good week for The Tales Compendium!

First off, Kate over at Reads, Reviews and Recommends has posted an interview with me for her Blogger Interview section. Check it out here. Thanks Kate! Alternatively you can read my Author Focus featuring Kate here.

Secondly, Anne over at
Head Full of Books has awarded me my first Versatile Blogger award! Thank you so much Anne!

Here are the rules for this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.

Seven things about me:

I love travelling. I spent 3 months backpacking through Europe a couple of years ago and am about to head of to America for 3 months. My next trip will probably be New Zealand or back to Europe.
I love going to see bands live. My dream is to see The Rolling Stones but until then I can be found at every Angus and Julia Stone concert.
I love Disney movies. My favourite is Aladdin but I also love Cinderella, Balto and Robin Hood.
My favourite TV shows are Gilmore Girls, Veronica Mars, NCIS, Bones, Lie To Me, Buffy, House and Supernatural. Ok I have a lot of favourites!
5. I have a collection of snow globes from all the places I have visited around the world.
6. My all-time favourite movies are Love Actually and Still Crazy.
7. I love winter.

I pass this award along to:
1. So Much To Tell You
I Live In a Fictional World
Book Harbinger
5. Books and the Bees
Lost in Stories
7. So Many Books, So Little Time
8. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
9. Wondrous Reads
10. The Bookette
11. A Flight of Minds
Dead Book Darling
13. The Book Owl
14. Narratively Speaking
15. I Was A Teenage Book Geek


  1. congrats on the award and thanks :)

    i like disney movies too, and am envious of all your travelling. i havent done much since having kids...

  2. Hi Jess,

    I have something for you here:


    Oh, and your interview is up and running. :-)

  3. Hi Jess, thanks for the award.
    I too am a sucker for Disney movies. Naturally I love Beauty and the Beast but also The Lion King. I cry every time I watch that. Oh and The Sword in the Stone. That is an awesome movie.

    I think your blog looks fabulous btw so I'm following you now :-)

  4. Thanks so much for the award, and congratulations on getting it yourself!

    I'm intrigued by that collection of snow globes. I buy my partner a new snow globe each Christmas. I love them!

  5. Thanks for the award, Jess! I'm working on an acceptance post.

    I love the movie Love Actually and I love traveling also. Living in London for a year for graduate school was the best thing I ever did and gave me many chances to travel throughout Europe. Excited for your upcoming trip to the US.

  6. cool award and great networking. (what I love about blogging and bloggers) happy to add myself to your list of followers. Come join my journey too :-)

  7. Nomes - You'll get to go again! Until then you can live vicariously through others :D

    Kate - Thanks so much!

    Becky - I seem to remember seeing The Lion King 11 times at the movies when it first came out. I was 7. I must have gone to see it each time with a different friend. Still love it :D

    Lauren - you can see some of my snow globe collection here:

    Holly - I have a travel blog up and running for while I am away if you are interested:

    Nikki - Thanks! And I love your blog. What a cool idea. I'm heading over to the US in a couple of weeks so I might even head to one of your featured Starbucks :D
