Saturday, June 12, 2010

Jekel Loves Hyde by Beth Fantaskey

Title: Jekel Loves Hyde
Author: Beth Fantaskey

Release Date: 1st June 2010

My Rating: 3/5

Jill Jekel has always obeyed her parents’ rules – especially the one about never opening the mysterious, old box in her father’s office. But when her dad is murdered, and her college savings disappear, she's tempted to peek inside, as the contents might be key to a lucrative chemistry scholarship.

To better her odds, Jill enlists the help of gorgeous, brooding Tristen Hyde, who has his own dark secrets locked away. As the team of Jekel and Hyde, they recreate experiments based on the classic novel, hoping not only to win a prize, but to save Tristen’s sanity. Maybe his life. But Jill’s accidental taste of a formula unleashes her darkest nature and compels her to risk everything,even Tristen’s love, just for the thrill of being… bad.

I haven't read Beth Fantaskey's first book, Jessica's Guide To Dating On The Dark Side, which everyone says I should, so I may just do that after reading Jekel Loves Hyde. Jekel Loves Hyde is a dark, slightly creepy, suspenseful thriller with a murder mystery and budding romance in a high school setting. It is what happens when a good girl meets a bad boy, and tries to save him. Will she succeed in saving him before it's too late? And will she lose herself in the process?

The character of Tristen is mysterious, dangerous and sexy. But does he have a hidden softer side? I fell for Tristen after the second line he spoke, 'Trust me'. If you read the surrounding text, I'm sure you will see why. There is just something about bad boys (think Patch in Hush Hush, Adrian in Vampire Academy, Jace in City of Bones). *sigh*

One of the great things about this book is that we get to read it from both Tristen and Jill's perspectives, which gives us so much more insight into their characters, especially since both of them change, and grow, quite a bit through the story. While Jill is initially seen as a timid little pushover, we eventually see her crawl out of her shell and become quite the strong willed person that was always hiding inside, which I think is probably my favourite thing about the whole book. With Tristen on the other hand, we get to experience his anguish as he is constantly battling internally with himself, over his good side, and his dark side, in his attempt to become the person he desires to be, and not succumb to his legacy.

The novel is based on the classic story by Robert Louis Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. It's wonderful when today's authors take classics and work them into current YA fiction. Classic authors such as Jane Austin and the Bronte' sisters and titles such as Catcher In The Rye and The Great Gatsby are often referred to in today's fictions but it's also nice when other less popularised titles such as To Kill A Mocking Bird, and in this case, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, are also bought into the popular YA fiction of today. It's a great 'shout out' to the works of yesteryear and a great way to create interest in titles that would possibly not have as much intrigue to today's young adult market.

My only disappointment was the epilogue. I feel there were too many clichés and it seems like Fantaskey was trying to wrap the story up too quickly.

Ages 14+

1 comment:

  1. Just finished this one as well, and I couldn't agree more about the ending. It was too short considering the build up, I wished for more action after the climax, but I was disappointed by the ending.
