Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Surf Ache by Gerry Bobsien

Title: Surf Ache
Author: Gerry Bobsien

Published: 1st November 2009 (Australia)

My Rating: 3/5

This is a story I think alot of teenage girls can relate to. Set in Australia, it is the story of Ella who is struggling with the changes happening in her life after her family move to another state. Making new friends and fitting into a new school and town is difficult , especially when all she can think about are her old friends, her now ex-boyfriend and her old dance school back in Melbourne.

When things start looking up in her new surf-obsessed town, Ella is forced to make a decision; does she want to say being Melbourne Ella, or accept her new life as Newcastle Ella.

This is a story about decisions and change. A good Aussie read for ages 12+

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